Final idea - 'Escape' This video is a documentation on the progress of my short film. As the video and the power point states, the idea that I have constructed is manageable and able to be achieved by the deadline. The idea has taken me a while to come up with, but the planning time and process has allowed it to be solidified and crafted into a short-film narrative. Genre The genre of this film is social realism, LGBT and romance. This is because lesbians are in everyday life and it is not deviant from the social norm. However, for the purposes of this film, the story has been exaggerated to be more 'juicy' and attractive to the wider audience. Narrative The story of this film will be that a girl breaks up with her boyfriend because she realises she is gay and then gets a girlfriend. The plot is conventional, which means that the events are portrayed in chronological order. The advantage of a narrative structure that is a linear, is that it shows the relatio...