As well as this, we tried a varied amount of methods. These methods included marking on a shape then forming the wax around it and cutting a line into a pre-layed layer of wax to form a cut. One of the images features the shape drawn previously.
The things we used was SFX wax, food colouring, cotton wool, water, tea granules, staples, string and liquid latex. The skin was washed and dried before the process began and newspaper was layed down and spare T-Shirts were worn in order to protect the surfaces as much as possible. This was done in order to ensure the least amount of damage to surfaces and clothing in the surrounding area.
The feedback we got from these was varied and will be taken on board. For example, we showed friends and they said, "wow that's amazing." Although, when it was put under light, it didn't look as good and this will be changed by using the "less is more" approach.
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