Post 8

Final idea - 'Escape' 

This video is a documentation on the progress of my short film. As the video and the power point states, the idea that I have constructed is manageable and able to be achieved by the deadline. The idea has taken me a while to come up with, but the planning time and process has allowed it to be solidified and crafted into a short-film narrative.

The genre of this film is social realism, LGBT and romance. This is because lesbians are in everyday life and it is not deviant from the social norm. However, for the purposes of this film, the story has been exaggerated to be more 'juicy' and attractive to the wider audience.

The story of this film will be that a girl breaks up with her boyfriend because she realises she is gay and then gets a girlfriend. The plot is conventional, which means that the events are portrayed in chronological order. The advantage of a narrative structure that is a linear, is that it shows the relationship between the characters develop (breakdown of relationship between Lisa and Matt, growth of the relationship between Lisa and Alex.)

Possible characters that I may use include Erin McHardy (Lisa), Nia Preston (Alex), and Alexander Cripps (Matt.) This is because Bethany and Lydia both fit the character 'looks,' and together challenge the stereotype of the 'lesbian couple.' Also, as Matt is not regarded as a key character, and his face is seen for a short time, Alex is a less confident actor so it will be appropriate that he plays him. I am not going to feature in the film, this is because my camera operation will be as high as possible and also I know what the character should do and how they act.

A setting that is used is 'Station Bistro' and the station platform, as this is conveniently close and the setting fits the narrative. As well as this, the interior fits the aesthetic that I am aiming to achieve. As the booth inside the cafe is perfect for the camera angles and movements, this makes this setting ideal for the short film.

Influence from short films.
The short film, Arrival has influenced this short film. This is because the idea of a silent film with monologue laid over the top is a very good idea. This is because the characters do not have to talk, and therefore no 'reckie' of the setting is needed for the sound. Also, PRIDE (2014)

The inspiration for the film came from Pride (2014) has inspired this film as the narrative is based on the representation of lesbian women in a postmodern society. Also, it outlines the struggles that the LGBT community face on a daily basis. However, I used this to my advantage, as the representation of gay women is diluted by the concentration on their male counterparts in PRIDE.

I want to desperately avoid any sort of comedic value that this film may have. This is because, as it is a love story between two women, the comedic effect will connote that the represented topic is funny and their attention will be distracted from the narrative.

As I have done my research, very few short films contain this narrative  - this means that there is a gap in the industry for LGBT films. As I have taken inspiration from Pride (2014), the narrative will be heavily based on LGBT matters, and mixed it with some features from Arrival (2016.) This means that although there are films that have outlined LGBT issues, the short film 'Escape,' will show the struggles in relationships from the female (lesbian) perspective, which is often overlooked. 


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